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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Providing a free college education to prisoners | Lovergirl going ...
src: prudee1.files.wordpress.com

Prison education is a broad term that encompasses any number of educational activities occurring inside a prison. Educational courses may consist of, but are not limited to, basic literacy programs, high-school equivalency programs, vocational education and tertiary education. Prison education is typically provided, managed and funded by the prison system, though inmates may be required to pay for distance education programs. The history of and current practices in prison education varies greatly between different countries.

People entering prison systems worldwide have, on average, lower levels of education than general populations. Prison education aims to increase an inmate's ability to be employed after their release by improving their skills and education, though there are many challenges for both running and attending educational programs in prison, and also gathering participants. These include staff and budgets shortages, a lack of educational resources and computers or simply a lack of access to them, and reluctance from prisoners to participate, for reasons such as previous failures in education, embarrassment over their low literacy, and lack of interest.

Studies consistently show that education in prison is an effective way of reducing the rates of recidivism and accordingly saving money on the cost of further incarceration. In the US, it is estimated that for every dollar spent on prison education, $4 to $5 is saved due to decreases in recidivism. Despite the known benefits of prison education programs, rates of education within prison remain low in many countries, and attempts to increase the rate of and funding for prison education have been met with opposition. Opponents have various arguments, including that prison education is a waste of money or that prisoners do not deserve the right to be educated.

Video Prison education



The implementation of prison education programs varies between countries. Sweden is considered to be a pioneer of prison education; education became mandatory for inmates in 1842, and vocational education can be traced back to at least 1874, when the Uppsala County prison hired a carpenter to teach inmates woodwork skills. In Denmark, juvenile offenders have had access to education since the 1850s, and educational programs became mandatory for them in 1930. Adult prisons have had educational programs since 1866, and legislation requiring all inmates under the age of 30 to participate in educational courses was implemented in 1952. Norway opened its first prison to focus on education as a form of rehabilitation in 1851. By the end of the century, legislation was in effect ensuring that any prisoner who had not completed primary and lower secondary schooling should do so while in prison. In Finland, legislation was adopted in 1866 which ensured that all prisoners would receive primary education, though the implementation of the order faced practical difficulties. A more successful education reform was implemented in 1899, which remained unchanged until 1975. In 1918, the Soviet Union recommended that children in prison should receive education alongside punishment. However, little education was actually implemented, due to competing agendas from various jurisdictions and agencies. In 1928, very few prisons in the UK were offering anything other than the most basic education courses. Iceland, which as of 2005 averages only 108 prisoners in the country, began implementing education programs in 1971. The small size of prisons in Iceland, while having numerous advantages, makes running organised educational programs difficult, as the small number of inmates may have drastically different education needs.

North America

In the early 19th century US, secular education programs were run in prisons with the intention of helping inmates read Bibles and other religious texts distributed by visiting chaplains, though the first major education program aimed at rehabilitating prisoners was not launched until 1876. Zebulon Brockway, the superintendent of Elmira Reformatory, is credited as being the first person to implement such a program. He believed prison education would "discipline the mind and fit it to receive .... the thoughts and principles that constitute their possessors good citizens". By 1900, the "Elmira system" of education had been adopted by the states of Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois and Minnesota, and by the 1930s, educational programs could be found in most prisons. Tertiary education programs, however, did not begin to appear until much later. In 1960, only nine states were offering college-level education to inmates; by 1983 such programs were available in most states. Between 1972 and 1995, inmates in the US were able to apply for Pell Grants, a subsidy program run by the U.S. federal government that provides funding for students. However in 1994 Congress passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which denies Pell Grants to anyone who is incarcerated. As a result, by 2005 only about a dozen prisons were running postsecondary education, compared to 350 in the early 1990s; the number in New York alone dropped from 70 to four. In 2015, then President Barack Obama created a pilot program that allowed a limited number of inmates to receive Pell grants. More than 200 colleges in 47 states subsequently expressed interest in running educational programs for prisoners. The development of prison education within Canada has paralleled that of the US; Royal Commissions in 1914 and 1936 both recommended that work programs by replaced, to as least some extant, by rehabilitative programs including education. However education programs did not become commonplace until the mid 1940s.


Prison education programs in Australia were first implemented in the early 1900s, and were initially focused only on basic literacy, numeracy and vocation training. In 1996, the federal government produced the Senate Report of the Inquiry into Education and Training in Correctional Facilities. The report stated that the history of prison education in Australia "could fairly be described as a disgrace", with facilities either poor or non-existent and curriculum and resources scarce and out-dated. It made several recommendation for how to improve prison education, including the development of a national strategy. In 2001, the National Strategy for Vocational Education and Training for Adult Prisoners and Offenders in Australia was launched, which had four broad objectives for improving prison education. By 2006, all states and territories were offering some form of tertiary education to inmates. Each state and territory, however, maintains control over its own prison education systems; there is no nationwide system, leading to differences in the way education is offered. For example, inmates in the Australian Capital Territory have been able to have laptop computers in their cells for educational purposes since 2006, though as of 2017 this service is not available for inmates in New South Wales and accordingly certain educational and rehabilitation programs that require the use of a computer cannot be offered there. According to the New Zealand Annual Review of Education, the availability and quality of prison education in New Zealand decreased significantly between 1959 and 2005, as governmental policy shifted from prisons focusing on rehabilitation to focusing on punishment. A 2005 Ombudsman's report stated there were "low levels of rehabilitative and productive activities" for prisoners in New Zealand.

Maps Prison education

Literacy rates and available programs

People in prison systems worldwide are consistently less educated than the general population. In the UK, as of 2010, 47% of inmates reported having no formal qualification compared to only 15% of the population. In New Zealand, as of 2016, 66% of inmates reported having no formal qualification compared to 23% of the population. In Australia, as of 2006, only 14% of prisoners had completed Year Twelve, compared to 63% of the population. In the US, as of 2004, 65% of inmates had either a General Educational Development or high-school diploma, compared to 82% of the population, and only 17% had tertiary education, compared to 51% of the population. A survey of German inmates in 2003-04 found that 85.8% had completed middle-school, compared with 97% of the population, and 51.7% had completed high-school, compared to 55.4% of the population.

Prison education courses can range from basic literacy courses and high-school equivalency programs, to vocational education and tertiary education programs. Non-formal activities that teach inmates new skills, such as arts and crafts programs, may also be considered a form of education. Educational programs are typically funded by prison systems, and may be run by the prisons themselves or contracted out to external providers. Correspondence courses, however, may need to be paid for by the inmates of their families. Charity groups, such as the Prisoner's Education Trust in the UK, can accept application for grants from prisoners who cannot afford to finance their distance education. Prisons usually give inmates with lower rates of education and vocational skills higher priority for available places in educational classes. Many prisons have mandated that educational programs should focus solely on basic literary skills, and accordingly do not offer any higher levels of education.

In both Australia and the UK, prisoners on remand or in hospital are not eligible to undertake educational study. Norway and Finland, however, do not house people on remand separately, and they are accordingly entitled to the same education as regular prisoners. Denmark and Sweden entitle inmates on remand to some education programs, though less than those available to other prisoners.

Educational Programs Offered In Prison - The Best Education 2017
src: masetv.com


There are several barriers to both running and participating in educational programs in prisons. Prison teachers may be faced with the challenge of instructing a class that has large variance in age, educational level and employment history. Security concerns are considered more important than educational goals by prisons, which restricts how certain vocational trades are delivered due to concerns about manufacturing weapons. It also can present issues when inmates need to be transferred between different areas of the prison for educational purposes. For example, different groups of inmates are kept separated from each other for security reasons, which means if one group is using a walkway others may not be able to be moved through it, and if prisons are on lockdown inmates will not be able to attend classes at all; lockdowns can last for several weeks. There is a common perception that inmates have surplus free time, however, they may only be allocated extremely limited time to access educational resources. Shifts in the way courses are offered, such as correspondence courses increasingly only being offered via online formats, has presented a significant barrier as most countries do not permit inmates to access the internet. Due to a shortage of available places there may be a significant waiting list to enroll in educational courses, and in some cases inmates may not be able to access education as the waiting times exceed the length of their sentence.

One of the biggest barriers to prison education is the frequent transfer of prisoners between correctional facilities. Inmates may be moved to another facility at any time for a variety of reasons, such as a downgrade in security classification, court appearances or medical appointments, and different prisons may have vastly different attitudes and access levels to education. If an education course is run by the prison in-house, moving an enrollee to another prison will effectively force them to drop out. Inmates studying correspondence courses will have to notify their course provider, usually by mail, of their change in circumstance and postal address, and will be reliant of the goodwill of both the course provider and the new prison's education officer to help them catch up on any missed work. If study materials are lost or misplaced in-transit inmates will have to reapply to education providers for replacements. Being moved between facilities is a major cause of inmates ceasing to study at university level.

Other factors that prohibit education programs from being effectively carried out in prison are staff shortages preventing programs from being run, a lack of educational resources in prison libraries, a lack of audio-visual equipment and computers (or simply a lack of access to them), not having a suitable place to study (shared cells often do not have desks) and perform group work activities after classroom hours. In-house educators may have inadequate training from the prison for their role, and a prison may have difficulty finding external teachers willing to work for the rates of pay that prisons can offer. Prison education programs may also face a lack of support or outright opposition from the prisons they are trying to operate in, potentially from prison staff, who are poorly educated themselves, being resentful of inmates being given the opportunity for education. Government departments charging each other for services may also present a barrier. For example, a state-owned prison's budget may not allow it to afford the fees set by a state-owned education provider. Prisoners themselves may be reluctant to participate in programs due to previous failures in education, embarrassment over their low literacy, lack of faith in their abilities or just disinterest.

New York's governor wants to pay for prisoners' college education
src: www.insidehighered.com

Reductions in recidivism

The recidivism rate among prisoners in the Western world is high. As of 2011, within three years of release, seven out of ten inmates in the US will have re-offended and half will be back in prison. In Australia, 44.8% of prisoners released between 2014 and 2015 returned to prison within two years, and in England and Wales, 46% of people released from prison between April 2013 and March 2014 were incarcerated again within 12 months. Recidivism is also high in Latin America, with Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Chile all having rates above 40%. Ex-prisoners often face difficulty obtaining employment after their release, and such difficulty is highly associated with re-offending. Prison education programs are intended to reduce recidivism by increasing an inmates ability to be employed. Prison education also has therapeutic benefits such as alleviating boredom, improving self-esteem, stimulating creativity and improving communications skills, which have been linked to reductions in recidivism.

In the US, there were very few studies done on the relationship between educational programs and recidivism prior to the 1970s. The first was done at Ohio Penitentiary in 1924, and examined 200 inmates who had completed correspondence programs. Results, which found that inmates in the program were more "successful" after release, established the first link in the US between prison education and reduced recidivism. A study at a Wisconsin State Prison in 1948 examined 680 prisoners who attended full-time study in custody for two years after their release. Results found a "small but statistically significant" decrease in recidivism. The first extensive study run to examine the relationship was called Project Newgate. Beginning in 1969 and studying 145 inmates in Minnesota over five years, results found that inmates who participated in an education program were over 33% less likely to return to prison. Other results at the time were not unanimous. A meta-analysis in 1975 and another in 1983 found that while education programs in prison were beneficial for inmates, their effects on recidivism were inconclusive. More recent studies, however, consistently show that educational programs reduce the rates of re-offending. A 1987 study of Federal Bureau of Prisons inmates found that those who participated in education programs were 8.6% less likely to return to prison, a 1997 study of 3,200 inmates in Maryland, Minnesota and Ohio found a reduction rate of 29%, and a 2003 study of Californian prisons found a 10-30% reduction. A meta-analysis of 15 studies done in the US during the 1990s found that, on average, inmates who attended tertiary level education in prison were 31% less likely to re-offend, and a meta-analysis conducted by the RAND Corporation which completed a comprehensive literature search of studies released between 1980 and 2011 found that, on average, inmates who participated in educational programs were 13% less likely to return to prison. A prison educational program created by Bard College has a recidivism rate of four percent for people who only attended the course and 2.5% for those who completed it.

An Australian study of prisoners released between July 2001 and November 2002 found that in the two years following release, inmates who participated in educational programs were nine percent less likely to return to prison, a 2005 report found that in the Australian state of Queensland there was a 24-28% reduction in the rate of recidivism among inmates who completed education courses, and a study of 14,643 prisoners in Western Australia between 2005 and 2010 found that those who undertook prison education were 11.25% less likely to be re-incarcerated. In England and Wales, a 2014 study of over 6,000 prisoners found that those who undertook education courses were seven percent less likely to return to prison. A prison education program in Ukraine had only three out of 168 participants (1.8%) re-offend in 2013.

Effects of prison education courses have been found to by cumulative; studies show the more classes than an individual undertakes while in prison, the less likely they will be to re-offend. Studies also show higher level qualifications are associated with lower re-offending rates. A 2000 study by the Texas Department of Education found that the overall re-offending rate was 40-43%, though inmates who completed an associate degree while in custody had only a 27.2% chance of re-offending, and those who a completed a bachelor's degree had a rate of only 7.8%.

Prison Culture » Prison Education Reduces Recidivism…
src: www.usprisonculture.com

Cost and financial benefits

In the US, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers, in 2009 the cost of providing education to a prisoner was between $2,000 and $3,782 per year, and the cost of incarceration itself was $32,000 to $40,000 per year. According to the RAND Corporation, in 2013 the figures were between $1400 and $1744 for the cost of education and between $28,323 and $31,286 for the cost of incarceration per inmate per year. In England and Wales, education courses that have been linked to reduced recidivism are priced at about £250 each as of 2014, compared to a £37,648 cost of keeping a person incarcerated for a year. In Canada, the cost of educating an inmate in 2013 was $2,950 per year, compared to a cost of $111,202 for incarceration for a year. In 1988 in Australia, the cost of incarcerating a prisoner was $40,000 a year, while the entire budget for prison education at Bathurst Correctional Complex was $120,000 per year. In order for that prison's program to be cost effective at the time, it would have only needed to keep one person out of prison for three years. As of 2015, the cost of incarcerating a prisoner in Australia is $109,821 a year.

Studies have found that due to the increased rate of employment and decreased the rate of crime committed by inmates after release that is associated with prison education, the financial savings to the community more than offset the cost of the programs. A 2003 study found that a prison education program in Maryland reduced recidivism by 20%. Government analysts estimated that the education program was saving taxpayers over $24 million a year based solely on the costs of re-incarceration. This estimation did not factor in the additional savings due to reduced strain on police, judicial and social service systems, nor the financial benefit from the fact that prisoners who gain employment after release pay taxes and are better able to support their families. Taxpayers save additional money as prisoners who find jobs post-release are not reliant on unemployment benefits. A 2004 study by the University of California found spending $1 million on prison education prevents about 600 crimes, though that same amount invested in incarceration prevents only 350 crimes. The 2013 RAND Corporation study estimated that every dollar being spent on education saves taxpayers $4 to $5, and that in order to break even on the cost of education programs, recidivism must be reduced by between 1.9% and 2.6%. According to journalists from Forbes in 2013, given the relatively low cost of educating inmates and the considerable financial savings "it's hard to fathom why there isn't a national, fully funded prison education program in every [US prison] facility".

Prison Education â€
src: percaritatem.com

Funding allocation and prevalence

In the US, the rate of spending on prison education has decreased, even though the budget for the prison system overall has increased. In 2010, 29% of prison budgets were allocated to education, the lowest rate in three decades; in 1982, the rate was 33%. Funding for tertiary programs in prison was reduced from $23 million in 2008 to $17 million in 2009. As of 2005, 35-42% of prisons were offering tertiary education programs, and as of 2009-10, 6% of inmates in participating states were enrolled in such a program.

Both the European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union state that no person shall be denied the right to education, and the European Prison Rules state the education of prisoners shall "be integrated with the educational and vocational training system of the country so that after their release they may continue their education and vocational training without difficulty". Despite this, prison policy documentation in several European countries does not even mention education, and a study in 2013 found that there were 15 countries in Europe (including the UK) with less than 25% of inmates participating in educational programs. In the UK, between 2010 and 2015, the number of inmates studying at university level dropped from 1,722 to 1,079, and the number of inmates studying at GCE Advanced Level had halved. As of 2016, only 16% of people who leave prison in the UK completed an education or training placement. According to a 2014 report, Belarus had 82 correctional centres, five of which were running primary and secondary schooling for inmates and a further 21 which were offering vocational training. As of 2015, about 4.5% of the 70,836 inmates in Poland were participating in an educational course.

While inmates may face difficulty accessing education is some European countries, it is widely available or even mandatory in others. As of 2017, primary education is mandatory in France for both juvenile inmates and inmates with no formal level of education, and prisoners in Germany are obligated to either work in custody or study. In Denmark, smaller prisons offer education to all inmates and larger institutions require inmates to both work and study. Prison education is considered to be exceptionally good in Norway; under law all inmates must have access to educational courses.

In 1996-97, the rate of prisoners undertaking education in Australia ranged from 28% in South Australia to 88% in New South Wales, and averaged 57%. For 2006-07, the national average was 36.1%. A 2014 report found that decreases in participation was due to the inability of prison educational courses across the country to keep up with the growths in the prison population. In 2016-17, the national average was 32.9%. Vocational education had the highest participation rate at 22.4%, and university level education had the lowest at 1.7%. In every state and territory in Australia, the demand for prison education greatly exceeds the available places.

As of 2016, only one of Singapore's 14 prisons has a school for inmates. Participation at the prison, however, is increasing. In 2012, 210 inmates sat for General Certificate of Education exams, compared to 239 in 2015. A 2014 report found that six of the 31 prisons in Kyrgyzstan were offering vocational education, and that 13.5% of inmates overall were enrolled in such programs. In 2012-13 in Morocco, 14,353 inmates participated in educational programs, an increase of about 20% on the previous year; the prison population in Morocco is about 70,000.

Cornell Prison Education Program - 2014 Graduation - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


Prison education programs are not without opposition. There is often little sympathy for the rights of prisoners from the general public, and the issue is accordingly not usually a priority for politicians as there are few votes to be gained from increasing funding for it. In 2014, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo proposed allocating $1 million of the state's $2.8 billion budget for prisons towards a college program for inmates. 53% of voters supported the proposal, however, it faced a backlash from lawmakers and Republicans, with 68% of Republicans opposing it. It was subsequently withdrawn and replaced by a program that was privately funded instead. Opponents had argued helping educate inmates was a waste of taxpayers' money, and that it was unfair for inmates to receive free college when law-abiding citizens have to pay for it. In response, three Republican congressmen introduced a bill entitled the "Kids Before Cons Act", which aimed to remove Pell grants and federal financial aid for prison education. The bill was referred to the subcommittee for Higher Education and Workforce Training in November 2016, though has not progressed any further.

Other arguments against the practice is that prisoners do not deserve the right to be educated, and doing so is being "soft on crime". It has also been argued that reductions found in recidivism are not due to the educational courses themselves, but rather is simply a reflection of the positive attitudes of people who volunteer for the programs. Several studies, however, have made attempts to account for this effect, and evidence shows it is the education and not the personal characteristics of participants that leads to reductions in recidivism.

src: plgroupassignment.files.wordpress.com



  • Bowdon, Melody (2011). Higher Education, Emerging Technologies, and Community Partnerships: Concepts, Models and Practices. Information Science Reference. ISBN 978-1609606244. 
  • Davis, M Lois (2013). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Correctional Education. Rand Corporation. ISBN 978-0833081308. CS1 maint: display-authors (link)
  • Dick, Andrew J; Rich, William; Waters, Tony (2016). Prison Vocational Education and Policy in the United States. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 978-1137564696. 
  • Hughes, Emma (2016). Education in Prison: Studying Through Distance Learning. Routledge. ISBN 978-1317145776. 
  • International Prison Commission (1900). Reformatory System in U. S. U.S. Government Printing Office. 
  • Norval, Morris (1998). The Oxford History of the Prison: The Practice of Punishment in Western Society. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0199879021. 
  • Nordic Council of Ministers (2005). Nordic Prison Education: A Lifelong Learning Perspective. Business & Economic. ISBN 978-9289311472. 

Source of article : Wikipedia